To give a brief history of all the successes and blessings of FoundatIon Stone Church is nearly impossible. The fact is the history of FSC is truly HIS-STORY as the Lord has been our constant help and provider. The history of any church is totally dependent upon the quality of people involved in it. I thank the Lord for all the wonderful brothers and sisters who have served at FSC over the years. We love and appreciate all of them from the bottom of our heart.
I need to also thank the Lord for the abundance of anointed and passionate leaders he has planted at FSC.
The Lord has worked in so many ways over the years that to articulate all His workings would take weeks of preparation and far too many pages.
The success of our ministries has been solely the work of God moving in the hearts and through the faith of His people. Therefore, I must bless and thank the Lord for all He has done and allowed us to witness of His grace, mercy, and power.
Our history, basically, started in 1976 when I was sent out of my home church to establish a church in East Toledo. From very humble beginnings the Lord's grace led us through many venues and powerful manifestations of His presence.
Through the years we have been honored to minister to a great number of our Lord's children and seen them established in the Word of God. We have seen countless marriages healed, hearts mended, and the sick and broken healed.
From the beginning we've preached the Kingdom of God, sought to establish the Kingdom in the hearts of God's children and make it visible in our community. We have fed the hungry, clothed the needy, healed the sick, and sought to be the most loving church that we could possibly be.
The true history of FSC is seen in the changed lives of our people, the depth of their worship, their love of God's Word, and the love shared not only in our corporate meetings, but from house to house each and everyday. There is truly a love among the brothers and sisters here at FSC.
In truth, our history is still being written. We have more expectation for the future of the church now than at any other time. We are committed to becoming a stronger and brighter light within our community. As darkness seems to be growing in every aspect of our nation we believe the Lord is going to break out upon His people with the greatest manifestation of His presence in the history of man. We are preparing ourselves for His move through fervent love, prayer, and worship.
Yes, our history is still being written. New leaders and new members with fresh vision and anointing are rising within our midst. More pages are yet to be written in HIS-STORY until the whole earth is filled with the glory of The Lord.
So, we stand strong and say "come Lord Jesus and take up your rightful throne." Amen
I need to also thank the Lord for the abundance of anointed and passionate leaders he has planted at FSC.
The Lord has worked in so many ways over the years that to articulate all His workings would take weeks of preparation and far too many pages.
The success of our ministries has been solely the work of God moving in the hearts and through the faith of His people. Therefore, I must bless and thank the Lord for all He has done and allowed us to witness of His grace, mercy, and power.
Our history, basically, started in 1976 when I was sent out of my home church to establish a church in East Toledo. From very humble beginnings the Lord's grace led us through many venues and powerful manifestations of His presence.
Through the years we have been honored to minister to a great number of our Lord's children and seen them established in the Word of God. We have seen countless marriages healed, hearts mended, and the sick and broken healed.
From the beginning we've preached the Kingdom of God, sought to establish the Kingdom in the hearts of God's children and make it visible in our community. We have fed the hungry, clothed the needy, healed the sick, and sought to be the most loving church that we could possibly be.
The true history of FSC is seen in the changed lives of our people, the depth of their worship, their love of God's Word, and the love shared not only in our corporate meetings, but from house to house each and everyday. There is truly a love among the brothers and sisters here at FSC.
In truth, our history is still being written. We have more expectation for the future of the church now than at any other time. We are committed to becoming a stronger and brighter light within our community. As darkness seems to be growing in every aspect of our nation we believe the Lord is going to break out upon His people with the greatest manifestation of His presence in the history of man. We are preparing ourselves for His move through fervent love, prayer, and worship.
Yes, our history is still being written. New leaders and new members with fresh vision and anointing are rising within our midst. More pages are yet to be written in HIS-STORY until the whole earth is filled with the glory of The Lord.
So, we stand strong and say "come Lord Jesus and take up your rightful throne." Amen